The Tipping Point

The Tipping Point was a documentary created as part of the Carsey-Wolf Center, GreenScreen Environmental Documentary production program. It has been officially selected to premier at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. The Tipping Point examines the issue of defunding and the silencing of science in today's changing political climate. The film explores the efforts of local Santa Barbara organizations and scientists, who are fighting back against the suppression of science, to safeguard its integrity and our planet for generations to come.

Official Selections: Santa Barbara International Film Festival, 25 Under 25 Film Fest, Oregon Arts Cinema, Ecozine Film Festival (Spain), Pine River Student Film Festival, International Nature Film Festival (Godollo, Hungary), Vaasa Wildlife Festival (Finland), Norman Film Festival, Life After Oil Film Festival (Italy)
Winner - Award of Merit: Best Shorts Competition, First Place Documentary: Central Illinois Feminist Film Festival